Di and Dan


After our brush with potential disaster while in Kauai, we arrived back home to the usual BS family drama trying to sap the last bit of leftover vacation vibe right out of us, a blessedly intact house and immediate neighborhood, an overjoyed to see us dog and a somewhat indifferent bird.  Good to be home for sure, but we had a new outlook that was taking hold that we needed to examine…. Read More

It all began with a fire.  Sounds dramatic, right? For us it was, but not as dramatic, or traumatic as it was for some of our neighbors. May 14, 2014 we were in Kauai celebrating our anniversary and we got a call from my sister. “There’s a fire in your neighborhood, they are evacuating, what do you want me to get from your house?”.  Oh.  There we were with just a couple… Read More